Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Calculation

I end up tracing infinity
when I let my mind wander
finger wander
over so much newness
so much muchness

Answers don't come easy
questions harder still
to reduce this somethingness
into manageable terms
without dividing by zero

There's the temptation
to enter null as a future
as a present to that future
where presence of our past
will haunt these dreams

It's a snake offering salvation
in a single bite
a world of knowledge
of clearly crunchable numbers
apples with which to count

At best this is a gamble
and at worst the same
an investment in futures
in bonds and securities
paying unknowable dividends

Salvation and oblivion
are tied now to twin circles
invisible infinities
remainders adorning your flesh
where none should exist

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Promise me tomorrow
just for today
for tomorrow needs its own promise
its own tomorrow

I'd like to trust you
to choose trust
in the face of tomorrows
without beginning or end

Someday we'll find our way
back to these words
these wards against the passage of time
against our own passage

I'd like to trust me
to choose you
in spite of what will come
in the infinity of each moment we share

One day at a time
doesn't work when I'm not with you
when there are tomorrows
promises I can't keep

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We are still small
taking our time with the pomp
of each delicately sussed predilection
savoring the space
that each question leaves hanging
before it is filled with words
half of which will be forgotten
relegated to half-remembrances

Whether we believe in past lives
or after lives
or have any faith in life itself
doesn't really make a difference
it's just a gradual escalation
from favorites to fondnesses
the blunt being replaced
with the muted qualities of our selves

For we are indistinct creatures
capable of consuming the world
when our appetites are properly whet
shapeshifters who've forgotten
what our first form ever was
reminded only by the twinkling of an eye
that we were once stars
the same lights on which we feast

I seem to have slipped
into a potential full of promise
into an infinite
cultivated by those who came before
those who found shape worth taking
and decided to remain
spirits tied to the night sky
monsters that smile as they dine

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cinematic Mundanity

There's a pale blue sock
lying limp like a cliche
the sort of obtrusive object
that the camera will inevitably pan to

I'm loathe to move it
to break whatever movie magic
binds it to that sea of red
for the next few frames of this reel

Because it will be moved
when the director calls cut
and the apartment is put back together
forgotten objects will find a place

For now though it remains
for one beat in an endless conversation
it speaks as honestly as it can
a cliche carrying some simple truth

Monday, January 14, 2013


I'm weary with warmth
nodding off in the afternoon
and again in the evening
kissed to excess by this new sun

It's as if my thermometer
merged mercuries
found quicksilver it was fond of
and climbed up by degrees

This heat is making me irrational
like a jazz number without a score
just some notes
on when to snap your fingers

I've found Promethean fire
playing these keys
to a tune I've heard a time or two
what a lovely way to burn

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Paint it black

You're suffocating something inside me
some strain of grief
rooted in love long lost
abandoned in favor of cordial companionship
of vacuous compliments
and mutual ambivalence

It's a struggle to keep calm
when your hand is on my chest
and the world's weight washes away
when suddenly I'm back in that six year old self
composing the same damn words
the same damn desire to love

We are the composite composition
six-year-old Rip-Van-Winkles
waking up to find that everything is as it was
that though we've traveled through time
there are still only a few questions worth asking
a few answers worth receiving

It's those night terrors that keep us hesitant
those hundred years spent dreaming
spent splashing black
till the darkness drags us down
it's those mornings when we wake up

You're suffocating something
and I can finally breathe
take those big boy breaths
between big boy sobs
noiseless things that make my arms tremble
holding you against the coming of a new day

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


That smile is effusive
that is to say
I've found traces
bubbling into my conscious
popping with that soap scum residue
of summer

I'm cautious in these cold months
in general
I'd rather not be smitten
with curvature so casual
with hope
placed so honestly in me

I can't save you
any more than you can save you
any more than your smile
can be saved
scrapbooked in six lines
four stanzas

I'll try to smile though
to meet your madness halfway
to leave some measure of myself
in creases of your happiness
increasingly a part of my own